Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Pale Blue Dot

Well... it's about that time of year again.. and the course is coming to a close. Throughout the course, I have learned a great deal about the environment and sustainable practices. I have become more aware of my impact on the environment and the ways in which I can reduce such an impact. I am a person of science, and so, I would have enjoyed more of the science behind what we have learned; however, this is not a science course, and that is completely understandable. It's been a fun course and I learned a lot about our environment.

Over and Out

Friday, June 1, 2007

Lead Poisoning

School boards are now checking for lead content in their water because lead is harmful to living organisms, especially humans.

Harmful effects for children include:

  • reduced IQ
  • learning disabilities
  • attention deficit disorder
  • behavioural problems
  • stunted growth
  • impaired hearing
  • kidney damage

Harmful effects for adults include:

As children are most effected by lead poisoning, Londoners and school boards abroad should be very concerned about such a problem. Because lead poisoning is very harmful to a child’s development, such devastating effect will last the duration of the child’s life. Therefore, water should be tested for lead content to ensure everyone’s health and well-being.