Tuesday, February 20, 2007

"January is Warmest on Record" Response (Feb. 20)

The NOAA is the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Their website is www.noaa.gov/.

The Goldilocks Effect is the term applied to the comparison between Earth, Venus, and Mars with respect to atmospheric gases. On Earth, 99% of atmospheric gas is nitrogen and oxygen; the remaining 1% are greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide and methane. On Earth, there is the right amount of greenhouse gases to allow life to survive. However, on Venus and Mars there are too little, or too much, greenhouse gases to sustain life. Therefore, Venus is too hot, Mars is too cold, and Earth is right in the middle; hence the term, the Goldilocks Effect (named after the childhood story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears). The website from which I received this information is: http://www.ucar.edu/learn/1_1_2_1t.htm.

As convincing as this article is, it is impossible to determine if global warming is the culprit behind the increase temperature around the world. It is my belief, and therefore my bias, that greenhouse gas emission is causing the drastic increase in temperature. However, some may find it hard to believe that such a short time of environmental damage could cause such an impact on our Earth. Nevertheless, this article should be taken seriously as our environment, and our Earth, is standing in the balance.

More research must be conducted to conclude whether or not the emission of greenhouse gases is causing this increase. The information and the statistics are very persuasive, but one must ask oneself: Could this not just be an anomaly in atmospheric conditions that occurs once every few hundred years?

Therefore, it is my belief that we should implement measures to alleviate the effects of global warming, whether it is global warming or not that is causing this increase. No matter what, a decrease in greenhouse gas emissions could not hurt, and so, we should start being considerate of our environment today. We do not want our foolish actions today to jeopardize our future. Although the only way to know if global warming is causing this increase is for us to wait and collect data over future years or even decades, we should help eradicate greenhouse gas emissions as a precaution if nothing else.

The article that is being described in this blog, January is the Warmest on Record, is from the website: http://www.livescience.com/environment/070216_jan07highest_temps.html

1 comment:


Hey Nick,
I have to say that you make a lot of sense with what you are saying. I agree that maybe global warming is something the earth goes through, a sort of cycle, I mean there has been a couple of ice ages, why not hot ages? May be this has happened before but there was no way to really document it, or really prove it.

Well keep up the great work
