Friday, March 23, 2007

My Footprint

My results from showed that I needed the following hectares for each area of my life: 3.3 hectares for food, 0.2 hectares for mobility, 1.7 hectares for shelter, 2.0 hectares for goods and services. This results in 7.2 hectares being needed. If each person were to require this amount, 4 planets would be needed to provide us with enough land. The average for a Canadian is 8.8 hectares, and so I require quite a bit less than the average Canadian, which is pleasing.

On my “lifestyle” footprint (, it was determined that I am a F4: Factor 4. The website states the following about F4: “As people reinvent a new kind of quality of life in local communities, true wealth spreads more evenly. The ecological footprint is reduced overall by a factor of four, by combining increased efficiency, better distribution, and zero-waste closed cycle production and consumption”.

I believe I could reduce my ecological footprint by walking more frequently when weather permits. I actually enjoy walking around town when running errands, and so, this will be more environmentally-friendly, and will keep me active. Furthermore, I can put more energy-efficient techniques to use in my home. We have already converted to using fluorescent light bulbs, and I always make sure I turn off the light when I leave the room. Furthermore, we do not own a dishwasher, and so we wash dishes my hand. More techniques to reducing my footprint could be to carpool more, and to run many errands in one trip.

1 comment:

Blairsky said...

I'll Footprint you Nick