Friday, March 30, 2007

To reduce GHG emissions in your community there are many simple and easy steps:

1. Drive less, and when you do drive, drive moderately. If you are traveling to school, work, or the store, walk or bike instead of driving. If you have to drive, use gradual accelerations and decelerations to reduce fuel and emissions.
2. Use less lighting. If it is a bright day out, open the curtains and utilize what nature has to offer! There is no need for wasting energy.
3. Lower your thermostat in your house. By decreasing your thermostat from, let’s say, 25 degrees Celsius to 23, you can save a great deal of energy (and money!).


4. Wash your dishes by hand. Personally, I do this as my household does not have a dishwasher, and it doesn’t take that much time, yet it saves a great deal of energy!
5. Buy Energy Star appliances.
6. Turn off the lights when you leave the room
7. Replace incandescent light bulbs with fluorescent light bulbs, which are much more efficient.
8. If you are considering buying a new vehicle, consider a hybrid one.
9. Combine multiple trips into one; if doing errands, do all of them at once, rather than making several trips.
10. Buy local produce as less fuel is required to transport the goods.
11. Plant trees. Trees serve as a carbon sink and use this carbon in photosynthesis, which yields oxygen for us to breathe.
12. Rake your leaves instead of using a leaf blower.
13. Recycle!! It requires much less energy to recycle a product than to create one from scratch.


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